4 Signs You Need a Tooth Replacement

Tooth Replacement Lilburn, GA

Tooth replacement may be in your future because of many factors. Removable teeth replacement systems may not fit you anymore. Your natural teeth may not be as strong as before. The reality is that tooth replacement will happen over time. If you want to learn about the signs indicating the need for tooth replacement, here are the details.

The face appears sunken-in

Facial collapse happens after wearing dentures for a long time. Dentures are removable. These replacements do not stimulate bone growth and repair. That is why the jawbone deteriorates. Sagging skin, thinning lips, and wrinkles add up to the sunken-in look of the face. This is a clear sign of bone loss.

This is where a permanent tooth replacement system is an order. Dental implants or implant-supported dentures last for a long time. The dentist drills holes into the dental sockets and places titanium rods in them. The rods fuse with the jawbone and act as tooth roots. These stimulate bone repair and growth.

The implants prevent the jawbone from deteriorating. More bone mass returns to the jawbone. In time, the face loses the sunken-in appearance. Facial skin smoothens out, skin lifts, and lips start to fill up. The person becomes more youthful-looking.

Damaged teeth

A cracked or fractured tooth can cause sensitivity, pain, and gum swelling. The dentist will check if the fracture goes below the gumline. Repairs will not save the tooth anymore. The dentist will need to extract the tooth and replace it with a dental implant and a dental crown. This permanent tooth replacement helps the patient regain the stability of natural teeth. It provides the natural look and function of the tooth the patient lost.

Loose removable dentures

Removable dentures can replace missing teeth for a while. Over time, the lack of tooth roots causes bone loss. This results in the loosening of the removable dentures. These replacements cannot stay in place anymore even if the patient applies more denture adhesives. Patients experience embarrassment and frustration each time those dentures fall out or wiggle.

Permanent tooth replacement systems remove this problem. Implants and implant-supported dentures give the patient more security when speaking, laughing, or eating. The right tooth-replacement system gives the patient a better quality of life. The patient does not need to worry about being conscious about having a tooth replacement as well.

Missing at least one tooth

Injuries, wear, periodontitis, genetics, and decay can cause tooth loss. This may not seem to be a problem at first, but over time, it will affect the patient’s teeth alignment, jaw function, and diet. The patient also tends to feel self-conscious about speaking, laughing, and smiling. Investing in a permanent tooth replacement system gives the patient more self-assurance.

A strong, secure tooth replacement system can make your life so much better

The simple joys of eating, smiling, and speaking disappear when tooth loss happens. Temporary tooth loss systems can help you, but only for a short while. Permanent ones like dental implants and implant-supported dentures are worthy investments for replacing teeth. An appointment with your dentist can confirm which tooth-replacement system suits you most.

Are you considering having a tooth replacement in the Lilburn area? Get more information at https://www.lilburnfamilydentistry.com.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Tooth Replacement in Lilburn, GA.

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