When Is a Root Canal Required in General Dentistry?

general dentistry Lilburn, GA

In general dentistry, a root canal can save your tooth. If you had trauma or decay, then you might need a root canal. However, you might be wondering what other times you need to have this type of dental procedure. Keep reading to learn more about root canal procedures.

Understanding root canals

The root canal is the inner passageway in the tooth between the roots and the pulp. A root canal procedure involves removing infected portions of the area. This can relieve pain in the area. There are blood vessels and nerves in the area. When there is an infection, the nerve can be painful for the patient.

Getting a root canal

A patient might need to have a root canal because of disease. Trauma to the tooth and severe decay can both cause an infection in the pulp of the tooth. Large fillings, recent dental procedures and chips and cracks are also risk factors. If the tooth is painful because of infection or decay, the dentist may recommend a root canal.

Not all pain in the teeth means that a root canal is needed. However, if the teeth are in pain when the patient eats or places pressure on the area, this is a red flag. Sensitivity to cold and hot temperatures is another red flag. This is even more true if the pain lingers after the stimulus has been removed.

Sometimes, there may be a small bump on the gums near the painful area. This may be a sign that a root canal procedure is needed in general dentistry. If the tooth becomes dark after trauma, then the dentist may recommend the procedure. Any swelling or tenderness can be signs of an infection that must be addressed.

Doing a root canal

The dentist will take an X-ray of the area. Next, the patient will receive a local anesthetic. The dentist will use tools to remove the infected portion of the tooth. Bacteria will then be removed. The dentist will place a filling in the tooth to support the tooth’s structure. Then the patient will receive a temporary crown.

The crown is designed to protect the patient’s tooth from getting more bacteria in it. The tooth will be weaker than it was previously. This means that the crown is needed to help keep the tooth strong enough. The patient may need to wait a few weeks for the crown to come in. The permanent crown is customized to the patient’s teeth.

Choose general dentistry for a root canal

Many studies have shown that the pain near the tooth is relieved after a root canal procedure. It has been shown that these procedures have a success rate of about 95%. After having a root canal procedure, many teeth can be preserved for a lifetime. The good news is that you can prevent the need for a root canal. Regular general dentistry visits are one way to keep your teeth healthy.

Request an appointment here: https://www.lilburnfamilydentistry.com or call Lilburn Family Dentistry at (770) 800-0178 for an appointment in our Lilburn office.

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