What Can Happen With Untreated TMJ

Tmj Lilburn, GA

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, more commonly known as TMJ or TMD, is a condition caused by inflammation of the joint that allows your jaw to hinge or its surrounding muscle, attributed to natural causes or a point of impact such as whiplash. Whether the reason is natural over time or due to sudden impact, it’s important to treat proactively to ensure that the issues do not compound. When left untreated, this disorder can lead to a variety of invasive joint replacement procedures.  

Natural occurrences of this disorder are typically due to bruxism, which is grinding of the teeth that puts tremendous pressure on the joints, arthritis, or stress that maximizes jaw clenching. It can also occur due to a misaligned bite which causes additional issues with stress, clenching and grinding.

Luckily, there are many at-home treatments, such as eating soft foods and avoiding hard, chewy food items. There is also a wide range of exercises and stretches that you can repeat daily to strengthen and lengthen the muscles and ligaments surrounding your joints.

The importance of treatment 

Like other oral conditions, your general dentist will be able to help diagnose your pain based on your health history, pain history, and an examination of your jaw joints to determine if you could be suffering from this disorder. If an examination is not enough to gauge the extent of the condition, they will also require x-rays, an MRI, or a CT. 

While at-home treatments are easily accessible, it’s important to take proactive steps to mitigate the pain and inflammation. If left untreated, at-home treatments may no longer provide sufficient relief, and you may need to undergo a procedure that can range from minimally invasive to a partial or complete joint replacement requiring anesthesia and an overnight stay at the hospital.

In addition to the potential need for surgery, if left untreated, it can lead to issues that span beyond mild pain in the mouth, such as headaches and neck tension. This type of pain often interferes with everyday life, and as it worsens, it can lead to poor sleep as teeth grinding commonly leads to interrupted sleep.

At-home treatment options 

If caught in time, many at-home treatment options will allow you to combat the negative symptoms of TMJ. By strengthening and stretching your jaw, you can help relax the tension both in the joint muscles and surrounding facial muscles. Practicing the movements as prescribed will strengthen your jaw over time to mitigate the issues. As previously mentioned, minding your diet will also help reduce pain; focus on eating soft foods and liquids while avoiding hard and chewy foods such as gum.

Along with pain and general discomfort, untreated issues linked to TMJ can contribute to premature wearing down of teeth and gums, which can ultimately lead to loss of teeth, gum, and jaw surgery. With a few small lifestyle changes and positive habits, you will combat the symptoms and have relief.

Request an appointment here: https://www.lilburnfamilydentistry.com or call Lilburn Family Dentistry at (770) 800-0178 for an appointment in our Lilburn office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: TMJ in Lilburn, GA.

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