Categories: Invisalign

Invisalign Orthodontic Treatment Do’s and Don’ts

Invisalign is an excellent choice for straightening the teeth without undergoing the irritation of traditional braces. Patients usually choose Invisalign because they are transparent and easily removable. The dentist will provide comprehensive guidelines on how to wear the aligners.

The following do's and do not's will help ensure the success of the Invisalign treatment.

The do's

Do wear the aligners for 20 to 22 hours daily

Since these aligners are removable for activities such as eating, brushing and flossing, you need to keep track of the time you have them on. Unless you have to perform the activities mentioned above, keep them fitted in your mouth. If you fail to wear the aligners for the number of hours required, you could hinder the rate of treatment result.

Also, keeping them on while eating can cause permanent stains, and the same thing happens when you take teeth-staining drinks like coffee and red wine. Ensure you take them out discreetly and keep them in their container if you need to eat.

Do keep your aligners clean

Make it a habit to clean your aligners regularly. Stains and debris on the aligners can introduce bacteria to your mouth and cause dental issues. When cleaning, avoid using toothpaste because it could be too abrasive to the device. Instead, clean the Invisalign with a cleaning solution to keep them in optimal condition.

Do care for your aligners

When you remove the Invisalign aligners, ensure you protect them adequately. Take your carrying case with you when going out to work or school so that you can protect them while having lunch. A good sturdy case will be helpful whenever you need to travel.

Do maintain proper oral hygiene

Since Invisalign is removable, you have the chance to keep up with excellent oral health. Ensure you brush and floss your teeth regularly. This will keep cavities and gum diseases away – an issue brace wearers often face.

The don'ts

Don't keep the aligners on while eating

You may be tempted to chew on a small snack while wearing your aligners. Chewing or drinking anything aside from water can cause irreversible damages to the aligners, which could become an expensive error. The force induced from chewing can crack or scratch the Invisalign, necessitating a replacement.

Don't miss your dental appointments

When you start your Invisalign treatment, the dentist will give you the first set of aligners. The first set will only be somewhat different from the present position of your teeth and is designed to be used for about two weeks. Once the recommended time has passed, you will need to go back to the dental office to get your next set of aligners.

It is crucial that you continue to visit the dentist for regular checkups and dental cleanings to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Every few weeks, the dentist will need to create a new set of aligners to replace the previous ones to keep your treatment going.

Final note

If you want the best results from the Invisalign and to preserve your oral health, then you need to abide by the do's and don'ts. Ensure you continue to visit the dentist after the treatment is complete.

Request an appointment here: or call Lilburn Family Dentistry at (770) 800-0178 for an appointment in our Lilburn office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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