Improve Your Smile by Replacing Your Missing Teeth

Wondering what to do about replacing your missing teeth? There are a few different tooth replacement options available today, which means that you do have choices. While you may be interested in replacing your missing teeth for aesthetic reasons, understand that replacing any missing teeth in your mouth will also improve your oral health. A healthy mouth is one that has a full set of teeth, as all of your teeth play a very important part in the proper functioning of your mouth.

Replace missing teeth and improve your smile

When you are missing one or more of your teeth, then it is likely that you hide your smile or even smile less frequently and openly. There is no need for you to go on feeling self-conscious, as there are tooth replacement options available to you. These replacement options can even be done in just a few dental appointments, which means that you can have a smile that you can feel proud to show off — sometimes in just a matter of weeks.

Options for replacing missing teeth

The following is a list of options that dental patients can choose from when they are missing one or more of their teeth.

Dental implants

A dental implant is a popular tooth replacement option dental patients are choosing nowadays due to its unique benefits. An implant is surgically inserted directly into the jawbone, which allows it to function just like a natural tooth. While getting dental implants is a many-months-long process, many patients feel it is worth the time as this option allows for permanent tooth replacement.

Dental bridges

There are three different types of dental bridges that are commonly used to replace missing teeth — fixed dental bridges, Maryland dental bridges and cantilever dental bridges. Each type is used to address certain missing tooth situations and includes using a filler tooth or teeth to add more teeth to one’s mouth.

Partial or full dentures

The number of teeth someone is missing will determine whether or not partial or full dentures are an option for them. There are different types of denture choices available nowadays due to dental advances, giving patients the choices they are looking for when they are missing teeth. One of the more exciting denture choices is implant-supported dentures, which are held securely in place using four to six dental implants.

Ready to choose a solution?

Ready to choose a solution to your missing teeth problem? The sooner you do, the sooner you can have a healthy mouth and a smile that you feel proud to show off. Your mouth is designed to function with a full set of teeth, making tooth replacement necessary when missing just one tooth. As soon as you find a tooth replacement option that works for you, your next step is contacting us to get the process started. Ready to have a healthy mouth, as well as a smile you can always feel confident in showing off?

Request an appointment here: or call Lilburn Family Dentistry at (770) 800-0178 for an appointment in our Lilburn office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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